



I'm trying to extract the URL from the address bar of IE. (IE 8 on Windows 7) using the following C# code.

        static string GetUrlFromIE()
            IntPtr windowHandle = APIFuncs.getForegroundWindow();
            IntPtr childHandle;
            String strUrlToReturn = "";

            //try to get a handle to IE's toolbar container
            childHandle = APIFuncs.FindWindowEx(windowHandle, IntPtr.Zero, "WorkerW", IntPtr.Zero);
            if (childHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                //get a handle to address bar
                childHandle = APIFuncs.FindWindowEx(childHandle, IntPtr.Zero, "ReBarWindow32", IntPtr.Zero);
                if (childHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                    childHandle = APIFuncs.FindWindowEx(childHandle, IntPtr.Zero, "Address Band Root", IntPtr.Zero);
                    if (childHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                        childHandle = APIFuncs.FindWindowEx(childHandle, IntPtr.Zero, "Edit", IntPtr.Zero);
                        if (childHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                            strUrlToReturn = new string((char)0, 256);
                            GetWindowText(hwnd, strUrlToReturn , strUrlToReturn.Length);
            return strUrlToReturn;

The GetWindowText call returns an "Access is denied" exception. On running the app with admin privileges, it throws a "System cannot find the file specified".

Any ideas?

+1  A: 

GetWindowText() can't retrieve the text of a control in another process, instead you should use SendMessage() with WM_GETTEXTLENGTH / WM_GETTEXT.

Edit; Version agnostic way:

(Add a ref to c:\WINDOWS\system32\shdocvw.dll)

using SHDocVw;
foreach (InternetExplorer ieInst in new ShellWindowsClass())
Alex K.
Thanks! SHDocVw is a brilliant reference! However, the reason I think I'd have to stick to the GetText methodology is because I need to do the same thing in most of the popular browsers for Windows - Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera. My plan was to write a custom method for each browser to extract the url from its address bar handle.