




I need to create a WYSIWYG editor similar to CKEditor - http://ckeditor.com/

What would be the best way to go around doing this? Just looking for any tips or advice you might have!


why you want to create you own when so many editors are already exist.use most popular WYSIWYG editor TinyMCE. TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG.

You can see demo & Source at here.

+2  A: 

I need it for a commercial website, so just worried about licenses etc. as I don't want to pay anything extra. Could I embed these open-source editors into my website without having to purchase licenses?

There are commercial-use-friendly WYSIWYG editors that claim to be extensible to add whatever it is that you are missing.

Here is a recent blog post from Google about Closure Library (July 14th, 2010):

Closure Library’s editor is a sub-project within Closure. It provides a common, powerful, and extensible interface that abstracts the cross-browser inconsistencies and shortcomings of rich text editing. We use the Closure editor in Gmail, Google Sites, Google Groups, and many other Google products.

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