No, it's not possible, in any logical sense, to restore normal execution following a segmentation fault. Your program just tried to dereference a null pointer. How are you going to carry on as normal if something your program expects to be there isn't? It's a programming bug, the only safe thing to do is to exit.
Consider some of the possible causes of a segmentation fault:
- you forgot to assign a legitimate value to a pointer
- a pointer has been overwritten possibly because you are accessing heap memory you have freed
- a bug has corrupted the heap
- a bug has corrupted the stack
- a malicious third party is attempting a buffer overflow exploit
- malloc returned null because you have run out of memory
Only in the first case is there any kind of reasonable expectation that you might be able to carry on
If you have a pointer that you want to dereference but it might legitimately be null, you must test it before attempting the dereference. I know you don't want me to tell you that, but it's the right answer, so tough.
Edit: here's an example to show why you definitely do not want to carry on with the next instruction after dereferencing a null pointer:
void foobarMyProcess(struct SomeStruct* structPtr)
char* aBuffer = structPtr->aBigBufferWithLotsOfSpace; // if structPtr is NULL, will SIGSEGV
// if you SIGSEGV and come back to here, at this point aBuffer contains whatever garbage was in memory at the point
// where the stack frame was created
strcpy(aBuffer, "Some longish string"); // You've just written the string to some random location in your address space
// good luck with that!