



Which .NET library has the fastest decompress performance (in terms of throughput)?

There are quite a few libraries out there...

...and I expect there are more I haven't listed.

Has anyone seen a benchmark of the throughput performance of these GZIP libraries? I'm interested in decompression throughput, but I'd like to see the results for compression too.

+2  A: 

Compression performance benchmarks vary based on the size of streams being compressed and the precise content. If this is a particularly important performance bottleneck for you then it'd be worth your time to write a sample app using each library and running tests with your real files.

Exactly, compression performance varies based on datatype in question.
Nate Bross

I've have had good performance with SevenZipLib for very large files, but I was using the native 7zip format and highly compressible content. If you're using content that won't have a high compression ratio, then your throughput will vary greatly compared to some of the benchmarks you can find for these libraries.

Benjamin Anderson