Hello everyone I'm currently implementing a simple programming language for learning experience but I'm in need of some advice. Currently I'm designing my Interpreter and I've come into a problem.
My language is a subset of C and I'm having a problem regarding the stack interpreter implementation. In the language the following will compile:
somefunc ()
1 + 2;
main ()
somefunc ();
Now this is alright but when "1+2" is computed the result is pushed onto a stack and then the function returns but there's still a number on the stack, and there shouldn't be. How can I get around this problem?
I've thought about saving a "state" of the stack before a function call and restoring the "state" after the function call. For example saving the number of elements on the stack, then execute the function code, return, and then pop from the stack until we have the same number of elements as before (or maybe +1 if the function returned something).
Any ideas? Thanks for any tips!