




hi I have the follwoing script

open IN, "/tmp/file"; 
s/(.*)=/$k{$1}++;"$1$k{$1}="/e and print while <IN>; 

how to print the output of the script to file_out in place to print to standard output?



Simply add the filehandle you are printing to after the print statement; opening for writing is a small change from opening for reading:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
open IN, "/tmp/file";
open OUT, '>', "/tmp/file_out";
s/(.*)=/Sk_$1_++;"$1Sk_$1_="/ and print OUT while <IN>;

(I munged the replacement a bit, so it was easier for me to test.)

I get an error : readline() on closed filehandle IN at ./stam101 line 4.
what the problem here?
Hrm, I don't get that error message here; try re-writing to `while(<IN>) { s/.../.../e and print OUT; }` and see if that helps?
open IN, "/tmp/file"; 
open OUT, ">file_out.txt";
s/(.*)=/$k{$1}++;"$1$k{$1}="/e and print OUT while <IN>; 


  • `open IN, "/tmp/file"
    • open command to open file
    • IN filehandle name
    • /tmp/file name of file and specifier that it is for reading
      • if there is no modifier, it means reading
      • if there is a <, i.e. "</tmp/file" it also means reading
  • `open OUT, ">file_out.txt"
    • open command to open file
    • OUT filehandle name
    • >file_out.txt name of file and specifier that it is for reading
      • there must be a >, i.e. ">file_out.txt" to write
  • s/.../.../e your substitution (I assume you know what it does)
  • and is a boolean operator that short-circuits, meaning it only does the thing afterwards if the thing beforehand is true. In this case, it will only print if the substitution actually matched something.
  • print OUT print to the filehandle OUT
  • while <IN> for each line from the file behind filehandle IN


Used this way, it makes extensive use of the magical default variable $_. Do a search for $_ on the perlintro site. In short:

  • If you don't tell a s/// substitution what string to work on, it uses $_
  • If you don't tell a print what to print, it prints $_
  • If you don't tell a while loop going through a filehandle's data where to put each line, it gets put into $_

Your program could have been rewritten:

open IN, "/tmp/file"; 
open OUT, ">file_out.txt";
while( defined( $line = <IN> ) )
  $line =~ s/(.*)=/$k{$1}++;"$1$k{$1}="/e or next;
  print OUT $line;
can you please advice how this script work?
updated, let me know if something's not clear