




I have the following insert function. Is it safe from a sql injection. If it isn't then how do I make it safe.

public function insert($postValues, $table){

    $dbh = $this->connect();

    try {
        $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);

        $fields = implode(array_keys($postValues), ',');
        $values = "'".implode(array_values($postValues), "','")."'"; 
        $insertQuery = 'INSERT INTO '.$table.' ('.$fields.') VALUES (:'.$fields.')';

        $stmt = $dbh->prepare($insertQuery);

        foreach($postValues as $vals) {

        $message = $sucessMessage;
    catch(PDOException $e){
        $message = $e->getMessage();

    $dbh = null;

    return $message;

Thanks in Advance


No, because you're just executing a raw SQL query with the PDO extension. I do something similar to the following:

$fields = array();
$values = array();

foreach ($_POST as $field => $value) {
    $fields[] = $field;
    $values[] = $this->pdo->quote($value);

$fields = implode(',', $fields);
$values = implode(',', $values);

$sql = "INSERT INTO $table ($fields) VALUES ($values)";
$res = $this->pdo->query($sql);

I'm sure you can modify the above to fit your set-up.

Martin Bean
But, as can be read in the documentation (http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.quote.php), you'd better use prepare(). You can easily dynamically create a sql string with placeholders and subsequentially call bindParam/bindValue to bind them to the statement.
Dennis Haarbrink
Yes, indeed. Although if I loop over my `$_POST` data (or whatever array I'm using) I can also act upon data. For example, hash passwords before they're used in the query or the key/value pair completely if I'm updating and the user hasn't entered anything as their new password. If I didn't remove the key, then an empty string would be hashed and break the user's login. Just one scenario to think about.
Martin Bean
@Dennis: Unfortunately you cannot easily bind array values to prepared statements. So the approach above is OK. Of course you can dynamically build the prepared SQL statement (adding as many placeholders as you require) and then bind each array item to this statement.
Stefan Gehrig
@Stefan: That's exactly what I am getting it. You could use array_walk() to keep it plain and simple, or you could use foreach() and still have full control.
Dennis Haarbrink
Just realized that you're also building up the columns dynamically without doing some proper column-name-quoting. This is an absolute **no-go**. Take a POST variable name of `) VALUES (); DELETE FROM users WHERE 1=1; -- ` for example... This will result in the following query `INSERT INTO $table () VALUES (); DELETE FROM users WHERE 1=1; -- ) VALUES ($values)`.
Stefan Gehrig
It was a quick snippet wrote off-hand. Indeed, column names are properly quoted with back-ticks when I use PDO.
Martin Bean
Thanks for the down-vote(!)
Martin Bean

By the way: when asking if PDO is safer from sql injection than some other PHP MySQL connection library, the answer is NO when we talk about PDO_MYSQL (don't know if the following is true for some other databases).

One could even argue the other way round, PDO is less secure and more dangerous than any other PHP MySQL connection library (ext/mysql and ext/mysqli) because PDO_MYSQL allows for multiple queries in one SQL statement while ext/mysql stops multi-queries completely and ext/mysqli has a sparate function mysqli_multi_query().

I just tried to find any sources to support this statement, but the only things I found are:

Stefan Gehrig
That maybe so, but once you use prepared statements (as you should) that problem ceases to exist.
Dennis Haarbrink
@Dennis: That's correct...
Stefan Gehrig
+4  A: 

The only sane way is to use PDO::prepare with parameters (see example in manual). Moreover, field names should be taken from trusted source, i.e. not user. This way, you build your query string from trusted components:

function insert ($table, $fields, $data)
    $field_names = implode (", ", $fields);                      # "a, b"
    $values = ":" . implode (", :", $fields);                    # ":a, :b"
    $query = "INSERT INTO $table($field_names) VALUES($values)";
    $sth = $pdo->prepare ($query);

    foreach ($data as $row) {
        # Here you can even remove "bad" keys from $row
        $sth->execute ($row);

$fields = array ('a', 'b'); # those are hard-coded in application
$data = array (             # those come from user
    array ('a'=>'Apple', 'b'=>'Bean'),
    array ('a'=>'Avocado', 'b'=>'Blueberry', '); DELETE FROM fruits; -- '=>'evil'),
insert ('fruits', $fields, $data);
+1  A: 

If each column type is a PDO::PARAM_STR, then it is fairly simple to bind your parameters to unamed paramter markers using PDOStatement::execute. However, if the column types vary, then you need to specify the column type for each column when you bind to it with PDOStatement::bindParam.

Accepting table and column names from what appears to be user input, is not a good idea. The query will fail if the table or column names are incorrect, but you need to be very careful to ensure that the table and column names are safe to use. The following example checks the table and column names against a whitelist, prior to executing any SQL:

function insert($postValues, $table) {
    $dbh = $this->connect();

    // Create a simple whitelist of table and column names.
    $whitelist = array('my_table' => array('col1', 'col2', 'col3'));

    // Check if the table name exists in the whitelist.
    if(!array_key_exists($table, $whitelist)) {
        exit("$table is not a valid table name.\n");

    // Count the number of columns that are found in the whitelist.
    $cols = count(

    if($cols !== count($postValues)) {
        exit("One or more invalid column names have been supplied.\n");

    // Create a comma separated list of column names.
    $columns = implode(', ', array_keys($postValues));
    // Create a comma separated list of unnamed placeholders.
    $params = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($postValues), '?'));
    // Create a SQL statement.
    $sql = "INSERT INTO $table ($columns) VALUES ($params)";

    // Prepare the SQL statement.
    $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql);
    // Bind the values to the statement, and execute it.
    return $stmt->execute(array_values($postValues));

echo insert(
        'col1' => 'value1',
        'col2' => 'value2',
        'col3' => 'value3'),

// 1

echo insert(
        'col1' => 'value1',
        'col2' => 'value2',
        'col3' => 'value3'),

// unsafe_table is not a valid table name.

echo insert(
        'col1' => 'value1',
        'col2' => 'value2',
        'unsafe_col' => 'value3'),

// One or more invalid column names have been supplied.