



I wonder if there is any determinism when calling val delegate = I'm asking this, because I noticed that the program doesn't terminate, when I'm sending delegates over the net.

Are there any other side effects, which depend on the delegate?

Are there any rules, when will return the same delegate for the same arguments?

Here's some example code which demonstrates the problem:

package test

import scala.actors.Actor, Actor._
import scala.actors.remote._, RemoteActor._

object DelegateTest {
  def main(args :Array[String]) {
    val actor = new Actorlein("localhost", 63000, 'first)
    actor ! 'eval

class Actorlein(val host: String, val port: Int, val symbol: Symbol) extends Actor {
  val preProxy1 = select(node, symbol)
  val preProxy2 = select(node, symbol)

  val node = Node(host,port)
  register(symbol, this)

  val initProxy1 = select(node, symbol)
  val initProxy2 = select(node, symbol)

  override def act = { 
    val actProxy1 = select(node, symbol)
    val actProxy2 = select(node, symbol)
    react {
      case 'eval => {
        val reactProxy1 = select(node, symbol)
        val reactProxy2 = select(node, symbol)
        //all true
        println("pProxy equal? "+(preProxy1 == preProxy2))
        println("iProxy equal? "+(initProxy1 == initProxy2))
        println("aProxy equal? "+(actProxy1 == actProxy2))
        println("rProxy equal? "+(reactProxy1 == reactProxy2))
        //all true()
        println("i equal p? "+(initProxy1 == preProxy1)) //false
        println("r equal p? "+(reactProxy1 == preProxy1))//false
        println("a equal p? "+(actProxy1 == preProxy1))  //false
        println("i equal a? "+(initProxy1 == actProxy1)) //false
        println("r equal a? "+(reactProxy1 == actProxy1))//true
      case any => println("Unkown Msg: "+any)