




This question is similar in spirit to question 2543127.

I have a gnu makefile with a list of header files. Each header file may be located in a different directory, e.g.,

HEADERS = $(wildcard *.h) $(wildcard foo/*.h) $(wildcard bar/*.h)

and I want to have the makefile copy all headers to an include directory

INCDIR = ../include

and when a dummy target, e.g., ALL is invoked, it will update the header files in the include directory appropriately, i.e.,

ALL : $(addprefix $(INCDIR)/,$(notdir $(HEADERS)))

Obviously, I could accomplish what I want quite easily if I knew what the lists of directories were. If I did, then I could write some rules (something) like so (not entirely correct, but you get the jist):

$(addprefix $(INCDIR)/,$(notdir $(filter foo/%.h,$(HEADERS)))) : %.h : foo/%.h
     @cp -f $< $@

$(addprefix $(INCDIR)/,$(notdir $(filter bar/%.h,$(HEADERS)))) : %.h : bar/%.h
     @cp -f $< $@

$(addprefix $(INCDIR)/,$(notdir $(filter-out bar/%.h,$(filter-out foo/%.h,$(HEADERS))))) : %.h : %.h
     @cp -f $< $@

There are two problems with this approach, (1) It becomes tedious as the number of directories increases and (2) I am writing this in a makefile include, which doesn't know directories, all it knows are the variables INCDIR and HEADERS; it does not directly know the directories foo/, bar/, and ./ other than through $(sort $(dir $(HEADERS)))

Question: How can I write a rule to achieve the desired effect under the constraints of only being provided the INCDIR and HEADERS variables.


OK. The answer is pretty "easy", although it requires usage of some gnu make that I haven't previously used. My solution, creates a subroutine that requires 2 arguments: (1) the name of the file (sans directory) and (2) the name of the directory in which it resided. The "subroutine" is a template for a rule. When one evaluates the call to the subroutine, one initiates another rules, just as if one had written it explicitly.

$$(INCDIR)/$(2) : $(1)$(2)
     @cp -f $$< $$@

One then evaluates this subroutine for every header file and passes in the directory part and the file part of each header file.

$(foreach file,$(HEADERS),$(eval $(call COPY_HEADER,$(dir $(file)),$(notdir $(file)))))
+1  A: 

This should do it:

HFILES = $(notdir $(HEADERS))
DIRS = $(dir $(HEADERS))

TARGETS = $(addprefix $(INCDIR)/, $(HFILES))

all: $(TARGETS)

$(INCDIR)/%.h: %.h
  cp $< $@

vpath %.h $(DIRS)