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C++ passing variables in from one Function to the Next.
The Program is working but when it comes to getUserData it asks for the same information 4 times and then displays the results with negative numbers. I used test numbers for number of rooms 1, 110 for sqrt feet in the room, 15.00 for cost of paint.
//Problems with this not working
void showMenu();
void getUserData(int &, double &, int &);
void doEstimate(int &, double &, int &, double &, double &);
void showReport();
int main()
int choice;
//I am not sure why I have to do this but someone suggested to do it and the program complied when I did this int calc ect
int calcGallonsOfPaint, rooms, totalsqrtfeet;
double calcCostOfPaint, costOfPaint;
int calcHoursOfLabor;
double calcLaborCost;
double calcPaintJobCost;
// Set up numeric output formatting.
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
// Display the menu and get the user's choice.
cin >> choice;
// Validate the menu selection.
while (choice < 1 || choice > 2)
cout << "Please enter 1 or 2: ";
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 1)
//for some reason it just keeps repeating the function getUserData
getUserData(rooms, costOfPaint, totalsqrtfeet);
doEstimate(calcGallonsOfPaint, calcCostOfPaint, calcHoursOfLabor, calcLaborCost, calcPaintJobCost);
} while (choice != 2);
return 0;
void getUserData(int &rooms, double &costOfPaint, int &totalsqrtfeet)
int sqrtfeet;
int count = 0;
cout << "Please enter the number of rooms to be painted: ";
cin >> rooms;
cout << "Please enter square feet of wall space in each room: ";
cin >> sqrtfeet;
for (count = 1; count <= rooms; count++)
cout << "Please eneter square feet of wall space in room " << count << ": ";
cin >> sqrtfeet;
totalsqrtfeet += sqrtfeet;
cout << "What is the cost of the paint: ";
cin >> costOfPaint;
void doEstimate(int &calcGallonsOfPaint, double &calcCostOfPaint, int &calcHoursOfLabor, double &calcLaborCost, double &calcPaintJobCost)
//I am not sure why I have to do this but someone suggested to do it and the program complied when I did this: puting int rooms ect
int rooms, totalsqrtfeet;
double costOfPaint;
getUserData(rooms, costOfPaint, totalsqrtfeet);
calcGallonsOfPaint = 1 * (totalsqrtfeet/110); //Calculates the number of whole gallons of paint required.
calcCostOfPaint = calcGallonsOfPaint * costOfPaint; //Calculates the cost of the paint required.
calcHoursOfLabor = calcGallonsOfPaint * 6; //Calculates the number of whole hours of labor required.
calcLaborCost = calcHoursOfLabor * 15.00; //Calculates the labor charges.
//Calculates the cost of the paint job. This is the sum of the labor charges and the cost of the paint required.
calcPaintJobCost = calcLaborCost + calcCostOfPaint;
/*110 square feet of wall space
one gallon of paint
six hours of labor
$15.00 per hour for labor
void showReport()
//I am not sure why I have to do this but someone suggested to do it and the program complied when I did this
int calcGallonsOfPaint, rooms, totalsqrtfeet;
double calcCostOfPaint, costOfPaint;
int calcHoursOfLabor;
double calcLaborCost;
double calcPaintJobCost;
getUserData(rooms, costOfPaint, totalsqrtfeet);
doEstimate(calcGallonsOfPaint, calcCostOfPaint, calcHoursOfLabor, calcLaborCost, calcPaintJobCost);
cout << "The number of rooms to be painted: " << rooms << endl;
cout << "The number of whole gallons of paint required: " << calcGallonsOfPaint << endl;
cout << "The hours of labor required: " << calcHoursOfLabor << endl;
cout << "The cost of the paint: " << calcCostOfPaint << endl;
cout << "The labor charges: " << calcLaborCost << endl;
cout << "The total cost of the paint job: " << calcPaintJobCost << endl;