




Hi All,

I have a DataTable which stores very sparse data, something like:

   P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 ...
J1 1  1
J2    1  1
J3             1

The number of rows and columns might reach over 10^8.

How can I store this data in more efficient way?



First, get rid of the DataTable for those counts of data. Its memory usage is way to huge here.

If your data are always 0/1, the most efficient way should be a bit-mask.

If your data are not only 0/1, create a structure that abstracts all your columns.

Here's a conceptional prototype of that data structure.

class MyData {
    public MyData(int[] columns, object[] data) {
        _columns = columns;
        _data = data;

    int[] _columns;
    object[] _data;

    public object this[int column] {
        get {
            int index = IndexOf(column);
            return index != -1 ? _data[index] : null;

    private int IndexOf(int column) {
        for (int i = 0; i < _columns.Length; i++)
            if (_columns[i] == column)
                return i;
        return -1;

You could additionally save the memory for the _columns by applying the flyweight pattern.

Hope this helps

Florian Reischl
Bit-masks are only going to be more beneficial down to ~12% density (ignoring book-keeping overheads of other approaches and only dealing with booleans). That is, they can be good for compacting but are, by themselves, stuck at O(n), where n is the number of columns.

If your disk file system supports Sparse files you can create an empty file, mark it sparse, and then resize it to rows * colums * datasize.

Then it's a matter of accessing the data by [row][column], where the offset can be calculated with:

offset = ((columns.length * (row-1)) + column) * datasize

There is some overhead with sparse files as well regarding allocation where it typically allocated pages of 16-64kb, but depending on how your data clusters it might very well work.

Mikael Svenson