



While writing an application of mine, I realized I was being silly by querying the database several times in some functions. I know I can just pack everything into a single query, and wind up with this nice dict of all the information that function needs. So I set out to accomplish this in a function where a user can share his uploaded files with other users of my application. But I was instantly stuck. I asked this question and came up with a hack solution myself. I wish I was more proficient at SQL, and that I could write it with the same speed and knowledge that I do other programming languages that I use.

So I ask, what are some tips at becoming an SQL writing guru? I find that, for every problem I have, I just google that problem, and maybe get a solution that doesn't work for my particular DBMS (currently I'm using sqlite3, since it's out-of-the-box with Python).

I'm curious about all the treasures in SQL that a beginner might not even know exists. What books should I read? Are there any invaluable online resources for becoming awesome at writing SQL? Any that go through a variety of DBMSs? I want to know which features of SQL to use in which situations, which ones are more efficient, etc.

+5  A: 

I am by no means a SQL guru, but I improve daily. I read a ton of blogs from well know, respected DB 'gurus'.

I also find that spending time just trying to help people with SQL motivates me to learn what I cannot answer.

I say go for the internals. Find out how it works and you will be much more prepared to pick best solution for your scenario.

Finally, learn with DB work it always DEPENDS!

Dustin Laine
+1  A: 

I think that as with everything, you need to put in the hours trying to find the 'best' solution to every problem that comes your way - that is, researching it, perhaps trying the options. Fixing difficult performance issues and bugs will also lead you to do more research, try more things; what I'm trying to say is there's no easy way, no cheat sheet, just a few facts and a lot of experience to gain.

The best skill you can learn I think you already have (by asking that question) - you need to be driven to find the best answer, the correct way for achieving the same task in different circumstances. Then it's just putting the time in. IMO.

Kieren Johnstone
+5  A: 

When it comes to books I would recommend anything by Joe Celko:

In particular you might want to start with

Joe Celko's Thinking in Sets: Auxiliary, Temporal, and Virtual Tables in SQL

It attempts to teach you how to think in Sets when programming in SQL, which will provide you with different ways to solve problems in SQL that are not apparent if you only look at programming SQL in a procedural manner.

I would also recommend reading as many blogs about SQL, the following is a list of Articles by Joe Celko:

Waleed Al-Balooshi
Joe Celko - best advice so far. His "SQL FOr smarties" are also very noteworthy to get one into the proper thinking mindset.
One of my fav Celko quotes: "Repeat after me: 'My favorite flavor of code is VANILLA! I will not write Chunky Monkey Squid code!'" -- in other words, looking for "all the treasures in [one dialect of] SQL" may be missing the point when simple, declarative, set-based code is all that is required most of the time.
+1  A: 

Think: All my database problems can be solved by a query. I never ever need to write procedural code. Somehow, it can be done.

And then by worrying over the hard problems and thinking of subqueries and derived tables and joins and all that sort of thing until your head explodes eventually you come up with a solution. Repeat until guru.

Brian Hooper
Correct in theory but without a 'multiple assignment' feature, procedural code is inevitable for all but the most simplest of business problems. None of the industrial strength SQL products support `CREATE ASSERTION` or subqueries within `CHECK` constraints, so constraints get written as triggers (procedural code), control of data enforced via stored procedures (procedural code) or omitted entirely. Even SQL`s model of derring constraints within a transaction implies procedural code.
Hmmm. I'm not quite sure what you are driving at, onedaywhen. I've never heard of `CREATE ASSERTION`, but I have used subqueries in check constraints (the late lamented Oracle RDB). What I'm chiefly saying is that much more can be done in SQL than is generally supposed, and the reason it isn't is that too many programmers give in too quickly when faced with database problems. It takes a good long while to 'think yourself in' to the SQL way of things, which I think is what Mr Myers is attempting to do. Good luck to him.
Brian Hooper
+3  A: 

Work with a SQL guru!

It's always very important to have sql guru's near you.

+1  A: 

I read hackMySQL blog. Of course the official reference are always very good too.

+1  A: 

I can't speak for anything SQL other than Microsoft SQL Server - but if you're interested in that, follow blogs, read articles, ask questions here :-)


Answering questions here too can be a great way of improving one's skills. One doesn't need to be a guru to do that :)
+1  A: 

I always try to understand what is happening in the background so that I can decide what solution is best for a situation. TRY A LOT measure/compare what you tried.

Things you might want to read:

Dont stick with just one database. Try more. They all have their own dialect and strengths /weaknesses

Sjuul Janssen
+1  A: 

Speaking as a non sql guru. I think you should narrow your ambitions to a single RDBMS.

One of the main reasons I don't classify myself as a guru is that I am constantly switching between DB2, Oracle, Sybase etc. etc. After you get past the basic ANSI SQL all the implementations are vastly different the ninja tricks for getting a DB2 system lighting fast have little effect on Oracle and vice-versa.

The db gurus that I do know have hitched thier carrers to a single DBMS and learned all thay can about it.

James Anderson