




I'm trying to make some c programs, ut i'm stuck at the malloc command. This is my code:

        #include <stdlib.h>
        #include <iostream>
        #include "Oef1.h"
        using namespace std;

 some methode clled by main{
         int ** q=NULL;
         int m=read(q);

 int read(int ** q){
          int m=3;
          int n=5; //n and m are beeing asked, but for debugging hard-coded
          cout << sizeof(int*) << endl;     // returns 4
          cout <<sizeof(q) << endl;        //returns 4
          cout <<m*sizeof(int*) << endl;   //returns 12
          cout <<sizeof(q) << endl;         //should return 12 but returns 4
          for(int k =0; k < m; k++){
             q[k] = (int*)malloc(n*sizeof(int));
            return m;

The problem is, that after the malloc command the sizeof(q) is still 4 where it should be 12 (3*4). I know that you could make arrays in c++ with the [] brackets, but I like to do it with malloc for learning purpose. It's probably a stupid mistake, but I don't find it.

+2  A: 

sizeof(q) will return the size of the pointer q, not the content pointed by the pointer.

Guillaume Lebourgeois
+10  A: 

sizeof is returning the size of the data type, which is a pointer. On your system you will find that a pointer is always 4 bytes (not bits). sizeof does not return the size of the array.

Dan McGrath
Down vote was for?
Dan McGrath
Actually, `sizeof` *does* return the size of the array if given an array.
Yes, sorry, that is correct. I meant to say an array pointed to. Naturally performing sizeof on an array such as a constant string will give you the size of the array. Likewise, if you give it an actual structure, it returns the size of the structure.
Dan McGrath
+3  A: 

sizeof(Any_Type) returns the size occuped in memory by one element of this type. In your case, sizeof(q) is sizeof(int **), that is the size of a pointer (generally 4 or 8 depending on if your are on a 32 or 64bits machine).

Moreover, you are confusing bits and bytes. sizeof returns the size in bytes, not bits


sizeof(q) tells you the size of the data type of q, which is int** in your case. sizeof will never tell you the size of a dynamically allocated object/array, if not because it is evaluated at compile-time - it is not even possible for sizeof(x) to return a different value for the same x. The size of a type is a compile-time constant.

It is your task to keep track of the size of the allocation (the value that you passed to malloc()/new etc, or rather use a standard container that will do that for you (std::vector).
