



I'm trying to create something simmilar to Builder and Factory patterns but operating on Views in ASP.MVC 2

Why this problem appears? I've some model, which has many dependencies, which in turn affect on many parts of whole view of this input model.

What do I need? Flexible way to build output view, from many parts which should depend on specific dependencies

Is there any best way to solve this problem?

I was thinking about Builder and Factory pattern, but I'm still wondering how to implement it in ASP.MVC 2 (as controllers? private controllers?)

In my concept - builders will create parts of document, according to dependencies, whereas Factory will choose proper document with required set of builders.

My main goal was to relate controller action, which can be invoked by User, with sophisticated action on server which can as a result return proper View.

I'm not expert in Design Patterns, so i'd like to ask, is there any good way to solve this problem? And how to implement such "engine"?? As controllers, as normall classes or mayby there is some engine which could help?