



i have a page with a jqgrid on it with filter row at the top. I want to have a link on another page that loads this grid page but with a filter set on one of the columns. is that possible to do from a link or any other workaround people can suggest?


You can try to use dataInit property of searchoptions in the colModel. This function has one parameter elem. The $(elem) will represent the input html element which you can initialize with any data which you need.

UPDATED: Try to include following option in colModel in the description of the column where you want set the filter:

            $(elem).focus().trigger({ type: 'keypress', charCode: 13 });

in this example I set "Test" text as the filter and simulate press enter key. I suppose that searchOnEnter set to default value true. The forwarding of the filter string (like "Test") is very depended on the structure of your program, but I hope that it can be easy implemented.

UPDATED 2: Probably there are different understanding how should be understand "a page with a jqgrid on it with filter row at the top". I read it like a setting of filter in the filter toolbar, because the filter toolbar will be added as a row on the top of grids rows. My sollution live can be seen here


You can modify the url that jqGrid calls, and add the filter option to the querystring, then handle it on the server side.


This is almost right. After you do this, you need to `$("#grid").trigger("reloadGrid");`
Craig Stuntz
+2  A: 
oh the first solution is awesome I didn't know I was doing it on the serverside like your second solution but I just tried this and it works!
I am not sure that one asked for such kind of filter. There are filter in the fillter toolbar (see If one do want to set some kind of filters which exist outside of jqGrid it seems to me better to do this with respect of `postData` (see This works not only with HTTP GET but with HTTP POST also. Morevere if you build filter url manually it should be `'myfilter='+encodeURIComponent(columnname)`