



I am developing an app that needs to match people together. Each person can only match with one other person.. So, in the table below I am trying to make it so that values from user1 & user2 are unique across both fields:

CREATE TABLE `match_table` (
    `user1` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `user2` int(11) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `user2` (`user2`),
UNIQUE KEY `user1` (`user1`))

So for example the following INSERT statement should ignore rows 2 and 4. Or at a minimum I need to be able to flag those rows to be ignored. Note that line 5 is OK because of the fact that line 2 and 4 have been ignored.

INSERT IGNORE INTO match_table (user1, user2)

Is there any index that can accomplish this? .. Otherwise is there some UPDATE I could do after insertion that could flag the ones I want to ignore?

+3  A: 

Assuming that the matching has no direction, you can use your existing table design but store the match both ways in the table:

INSERT IGNORE INTO match_table (user1, user2)

If you just fetch all rows you will got each matching twice. You can avoid this as follows:

SELECT * FROM match_table WHERE user1 < user2
1, 2
3, 6
4, 5

One potential issue with this design is that it is possible to insert a row with a user who matches himself.

Mark Byers
Mark.. Thank you.. You are a genius. The answer is quite simple!!
I would up vote you but i only have 1 reputation :(
@Jesse: I and someone else upvoted your question so you have 11 rep now. You need just one more upvote... :)
Mark Byers
Thanks... this site is incredibly easy to get started with, it seems. BTW, I won't be inserting any row with a user that matches himself, no worries there.. and as this is just a temporary table the user1 < user2 trick will work fine. thanks again. I was struggling with super complex UPDATES that were just not working. lol.
@Mark: I just realized I now have to figure out how to do an insert "both ways". As I am selecting this data from another table I don't see an obvious way to insert two rows for every one row.. with the second row having the values reversed.
Well, I figured it out I can select the data twice and then do a UNION and then ORDER BY a 3rd primary id column

If you are just asking for a database constraint, you can get that with UNIQUE INDEX ('user1','user2')
