



Hi I'm hoping someone can help me out with a jQuery lavalamp problem.

I have the following - a menu bar using lavalamp. - a div where content is loaded into when link on menu bar is clicked - in my content div I have some links that link to the same pages as in the menu bar

The menu bar itself, looks and works great. However I wan't to be able to focus on / highlight the corresponding menu item "Menu Option" when a user clicks on one of the links within my content div.


<div><ul class="lavalamp">
  <li><a href="Item 1.html">item 1</a></li>
  <li><a href="Item 2.html">item 2</a></li>
  <li><a href="Item 3.html">item 3</a></li>

<div id="dynamic-content">
   <a href="Item3.html">Item 3.html</a>

When the user clicks on item 3 within the dynamic content div the selection on the lavalamp should change.

Does anyone have any experience with this?



To change the selection on the lavalamp, redefine the lavalamp using the lavaLamp() function passing a startItem parameter:

$('#myLavalamp').lavaLamp({startItem: 4});

Note that numbering starts at 0 for elements. Also, you will have to include all of your other options that you used to initialize the lavalamp originally.


I don't know which jQuery lavaLamp you are using. If you are using this one, use SimpleCoder's answer. If you are using this one, try this:

    $(function() {
        var loc = window.location.href;
        var filename = loc.substring(loc.lastIndexOf('/')+1, loc.length);

         $('.lavalamp a, #dynamic-content a').each(function(){
            if ($(this).attr('href') == filename){

            fx: "backout",
            speed: 700

Hey fudgey, can you please elaborate your answer?

I answered the question you asked (, but I didn't even know you posted over here. Next time, add a comment to my answer or use @fudgey somewhere in the post :)