



My WinForms app uses Process.Start() to open files in their native app. I want to split the screen in half, showing my WinForms app on one half and the new process on the other. I know I can use Process.MainWindowHandle to get the window handle, but how can I set its size and position?

I imagine I have have to use some kind of Windows API, but which one and how? Since this is not really "in my wheelhouse", I am unsure of whether (and how) I need to use different APIs on 64bit Windows.

+2  A: 

The Windows API method in question is SetWindowPos. You can declare it like so:

private extern static bool SetWindowPos(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr hWndInsertAfter, int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, int uFlags);

and read about it here:


Process.MainWindowHandle is the hWnd parameter you will use. hWndInsertAfter will probably be your own Form's handle (Form.Handle). You can use the Screen type to access information about the desktop:

Added Thomas' comment

Make sure you WaitForInputIdle before calling SetWindowPos.

Process process = Process.Start(...);
if (process.WaitForInputIdle(15000))
    SetWindowPos(process.MainWindowHandle, this.Handle, ...);

The declaration for SetWindowPos above works for both 32- and 64-bit Windows.

You might want to call WaitForInputIdle on the process before you try to resize the window...
Thomas Levesque
Thomas, that is exactly what I needed!
@Tergiver, you might want to add Thomas' bit about `Process.WaitForInputIdle`. If you do, I will mark this as the answer.Also, this is part of the Win32 API. Does it work on a 64bit OS?
@flipdoubt: Done
@flipdoubt: Win32 is just the colloquial name for the API; all it's facilities work on 64 bit as well. The official name is the "Windows API".
Billy ONeal