




hello all,

using jquery to create a tabbed interface. coding is quite typical:


<div id="tabbed-interface">
<li><a href="#option1">Option1</a></li>
<li><a href="#option2">Option2</a></li>
<li><a href="#option3">Option3</a></li>


$('#tabbed-interface li:first').addClass('active');
$('#tabbed-interface div').not(':first').hide();
return false;});});


ul li {background: #232323; list-style: none; border: 1px solid #616161; }
ul li.active {background: none; list-style: none; border: 1px solid: #616161; border-bottom: 1px solid #121212; z-index: 1; }

as you can see, all this does is add the class 'active' to the li that is clicked, and this corresponds to whether a background is shown or not. this works perfectly with text, but i am required to use non standard fonts. when i try to side step the issue using transparent .png images, it is unreliable.

For instance, changing the HTML to:

 <div id="tabbed-interface">
 <li><a href="#option1"><img src="option1.png" /></a></li>

If using non-standard fonts is your goal, I would avoid using inline images. The web has come a long way, and there are a number of less brittle and obtrusive solutions available to you.

There are currently three techniques (that I am aware of) for replacing browser fonts with fonts of your choosing:

  • sIFR is a flash-based approach.
  • cufon uses a combination of SVG and JavaScript to render text.
  • CSS3 font replacement is a pure CSS approach to replacing fonts, and there are a number of articles that explain how to implement it cross-browser.

Each approach isn't without its drawbacks (for instance, cufon makes it difficult to copy-paste the heading text), but ultimately they're all a better alternative to dealing with static images.

hey, thanks for the suggestion.originally intended to use sIFR, but after a few complications, was directed to use images. the project is near completion, so would prefer to resolve this one remaining issue using images if possible.