



I have been trying to set up an instance property of a class which is itself a class that contains instance variables. I would like to access these as properties. In C#, this is easy to do with the pre-set get and set variables:

public class TheOverallClass
    private ClassName _propertyName;
    public ClassName PropertyName
        get { return _propertyName; }
        set { _propertyName = value; }

...and PropertyName being instantiated within the constructor:

    public TheOverallClass()
        PropertyName = new ClassName();

Say PropertyName had an instance variable/property named ThisValue, I could then access it as:

TheOverallClass overallClass = new TheOverallClass();
overallClass.PropertyName.ThisValue = 20;    // int

How would I go about doing this in Objective-C? I have had a go, but have run into difficulty.

The PropertyName equivalent is coded as:

... in AnotherClass.h:

@interface AnotherClass : NSObject {
    int thisValue;
@property (readwrite,assign) int ThisValue;

... and in AnotherClass.m

@implementation AnotherClass
@synthesize ThisValue=thisValue;

This is then used in the ClassName equivalent, MyClass:

... in MyClass.h:

@class AnotherClass;
@interface MyClass : NSObject {
    AnotherClass* another;
@property (nonatomic,retain) AnotherClass* Another;

... and in MyClass.m:

@implementation MyClass
@synthesize Another=another;

When I try to get/set values within code, Xcode returns "Accessing unknown 'ThisValue' component of a property". The code I use to access is:

MyClass* me = [[MyClass alloc] init];
me.Another.ThisValue = 20;
NSLog(@"Value = %i", me.Another.ThisValue);

What am I doing wrong?


Do you include AnotherClass.h in the file that contains the me.Another.ThisValue = 20;? If not, it won't know how to handle the Another class.

(Also, upper case initials is usually reserved for constants and class names, as opposed to how it is in C#.)

I didn't add the header file. Have done so now - thanks!

Your code should work:

// main.m

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface AnotherClass : NSObject {
    int thisValue;
@property (readwrite,assign) int ThisValue;

@implementation AnotherClass
@synthesize ThisValue=thisValue;

@interface MyClass : NSObject {
    AnotherClass* another;
@property (nonatomic,retain) AnotherClass* Another;

@implementation MyClass
@synthesize Another=another;

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

    // insert code here...

    MyClass* me = [[MyClass alloc] init];
    me.Another.ThisValue = 20;
    NSLog(@"Value = %i", me.Another.ThisValue);

    [pool drain];
    return 0;

Disregarding coding conventions aside, this code compiles and runs just fine.

The code compiles and runs, but the values in NSLog do not appear. It appears, however, I hadn't allocated or initialised the AnotherClass instance.

Assuming the code that's accessing the property is in main.m, al calmh mentioned, you would need an import statement for the class that declares the property ( in this case, AnotherClass.h). But your code still won't work the way you expect, because it never creates the nested instance of AnotherClass. Try this:

MyClass* me = [[MyClass alloc] init];
me.Another = [[AnotherClass alloc] init];
me.Another.ThisValue = 20;
NSLog(@"Value = %i", me.Another.ThisValue);

Then do yourself a favor, and don't change the property names in your @synthesize statements. Instead of doing this...

@synthesize ThisValue=thisValue;

...just do this...

@synthesize thisValue;

...and then rewrite the code in main like this...

MyClass* me = [[MyClass alloc] init];
me.another = [[AnotherClass alloc] init];
me.another.thisValue = 20;
NSLog(@"Value = %i", me.another.thisValue);
Thank you - this is where it was falling over! Added [[AnotherClass alloc] init] and the code fully works!I also tried and managed to override the init method and get the AnotherClass allocated and initialised within it.