My question is how to use data attributes in a method but allow them to be overridden individually when calling the method. This example demonstrates how I tried to do it:
class Class:
def __init__(self): = 1 = 2
self.yellow = 3
def calculate(self,,, yellow=self.yellow):
return red + blue + yellow
C = Class
print C.calculate()
print C.calculate(red=4)
Does it makes sense what I am trying to accomplish? When the calculate function is called, I want it to use the data attributes for red, blue, and yellow by default. But if the method call explicitly specifies a different parameter (red=4), I want it to use that specified value instead. When I run this, it gives an error for using 'self.' in the parameters field (saying it's not defined). Is there a way to make this work? Thanks.