Hello, I am making my first C program, and it utilizes a 2D array, and the code seems weird to me. First, why do I have to store "White" in [1][6]? I tried [0][6], but the compiler complains and won't run but when I call it in printf, it's [0][6]. Also, when trying to store "Bl" in codes [2][6], it says conflicting type for codes. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
for (q=0; q<=457; q++) {
for (w=0; w<=6; w++) {
codes[q][w] = 0;
char codes[1][6] = {'W','h','i','t','e','\0'};
char codes[2][6] = {'B','l,'\0'};
printf("%c\n", codes[0][0]);