




what is the different between encryption and digest? i don't understand their difference.


Encryption conceals the contents of the plaintext, while a digest is a special kind of hash that acts as a sort of fingerprint for the data. If the message digest is encrypted with a private key, this can be used as a digital signature to ensure that it came from a particular source.

Steven Sudit
Verifying the integrity of files can be done using a (message) digest, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_digest. However, authentication (i.e. verifying that a message comes from a particular source) can't be done using a simple digest. Authentication would require e.g. a digitial signature.
@0xA3: I'm sorry, you're correct. I'll fix my answer.
Steven Sudit
Thanks for the clarification, +1
@0xA3: Thanks for catching my blunder. I know we have this whole ludic system of up- and down-votes but what really matters is that the OP gets an accurate answer.
Steven Sudit
+2  A: 

encryption takes a plain text and converts it to an encrypted text using a key and an encryption algorithm. The resulting encrypted text can later be decrypted (by using the key and the algorithm)

digest takes a plain text and generates a hashcode which can be used to verify if the plain text is unmodified but ich CANNOT be used to decrypt the original text form the hash value

Nikolaus Gradwohl
Yes, digests are typically one-way, however with rainbow tables, or crappy hash algorithms it's possible to reverse the hash and get the original text. Just a minor point.
Nik, we should probably mention that nothing stops someone from changing the message and then generating a new digest. Something like HMAC or DSA would do that, though.
Steven Sudit
@alan yes for short plaintexts like passwords, but not for big files like textdocuments or images
Nikolaus Gradwohl
@Steven either that or you have to store the generated mac in a secure way/place
Nikolaus Gradwohl
@Nik: Well, a good cryptographic digest is hard to find a plausible plaintext for on short order, so you could transmit the digest in the clear immediately prior to sending the plaintext in a private, but unencrypted and potentially tamperable, way. For example, you could publish the digest in a newspaper and then send the plaintext by mail. This doesn't prevent the mail from being intercepted, but it does make it hard to replace it with a fake message.
Steven Sudit
It occurs to me that I should probably mention that these are called preimage attacks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preimage_attack). The type mentioned in my example would be a second preimage attack, at it has known plaintext. As it stands, this is very difficult even with a "broken" hash like MD5, but it can be made arbitrarily more difficult simply by taking two different hashes.
Steven Sudit

Encryption is a way of "Security by Obscurity." It is exactly what the word suggests, to encrypt, to encode, etc.. and ANYTHING that is encrypted/encoded CAN be decrypted/decoded (seeing as how they are the antonyms and all) Assuming you know how whatever was encrypted.

A digest on the other hand, or hash.. is something that cannot be reversed. Usually a particular hashing algorithm will return a "fingerprint" in a set bit size. For instance, 128-bits. The algorithm somehow digests everything into a simple 128 bit string... using mathematical equations and such to keep a decryption impossible.

In closing, encryption is meant to hide things from others, while hashing is meant to identify. Like passwords for instance, you would never encrypt a password...mainly because you risk the chance of someone actually decrypting it.

There are rumors out there that hashes/digests CAN be reversed through use of a "resource" out there somewhere, but in reality, it is nothing but a collection of hashes in a databases and if one just so happens to type in a string that hashes to the same value in one of the records of this database -- it is called a collision at the most. Either the hash has been salted differently, or you actually got lucky enough to match a hash.

Zane Edward Dockery
No, "secuirity by obscurity" refers to something else. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_through_obscurity
Steven Sudit
Also, the reason a fingerprint can't be decrypted is because it's not encrypted in the first place. In fact, for any non-trivial message, it's much too short to contain the plaintext in any recoverable way.
Steven Sudit
As Nik already pointed out, rainbow tables are only relevant to hashes of short strings, such as passwords, and then only when they're unsalted. If I hash this entire page, no rainbow table could possibly reverse it.
Steven Sudit