



Simple question, I think.

I have one thread that responds to a callback that is called when a user connects via TCP. That callback wants an answer if I accept or reject the login. Problem is I have to send a login request to a security server via asynchronous message passing and wait for a response.

What is the best way to handle this? Right now I have some code that just loops in the callback testing to see if the security server has sent a reply and when it comes in I read it and return the appropriate boolean. It just seems kind of gross.



Presumably, you would block on your asynchronous call to the security server to effectively make it synchronous.

Steven Sudit
Yeah, but block how, use a mutex, sleep and check a variable? The call to the SecSrv is asynch so once I call, it returns immediately and I have to do something explicit to block and wait for the return message. I'm really asking almost a style question I suppose, what's the smoothest way to code this?
I can't block in the asynchronous call, I send a message and receive a message back in a different thread some time later.
I was looking at the sample code here ( and I didn't see any particular reason why your callback can't block on an Manual Reset Event before returning.
Steven Sudit

In the function that initiates the login check, after sending the message to request the check block on something. A Windows Event would work, as would a boolean flag and a boost::condition_variable or a boost::unique_future.

In the code that receives the response message from the security server set the event, or future or flag/condition variable. This will then wake up the initial function and allow it to return the appropriate response to the initial caller.

Anthony Williams