



Hello, as I briefly surfed over the web it appears there are no tutorials for C++ programing on Win mobile platform, except three or four sample applications on Ms pages. Does anyone know if there is something else anywhere? It seems there are just C# articles...

+1  A: 

Windows Phone 7 (basically the next version of Windows Mobile) only supports managed code, so you won't find any C++ tutorials for that. There should be a few for WM6 though.

Grant Crofton
+1  A: 

Doug Boling's "Programming Windows CE" is a good reference. It's not WinMo specific, but the OS is the same and everything he discusses is relevant to WinMo.

Since Windows Mobile run on CE, and CE uses the Win32 API set, Petzold's "Programming Windows" is also a very good reference.

Interestingly, if anyone does fancy learning Win Phone 7 development with .Net, Petzold is also writing a book about that, which from what I've seen so far looks really good:
Grant Crofton
Yes, I know of a couple books on WinPhone that are in-progress.