I've been working on an application and I've run across an unusual error that I've never seen before. I have two classes, one being a UserControl and one being a Form, set up like so:
namespace NC
public partial class Board : UserControl
// stuff
namespace NC
partial class Board
// this is the *.designer.cs file
namespace NC
public partial class MainForm : Form
// normal form stuff
namespace NC
partial class MainForm
// this is the *.designer.cs file. it has a Board added to it.
It's all contained in the same project so it shouldn't be an issue. However, I get this when I compile:
The type name 'Board' does not exist in the type 'NC.NC'
I looked in the Form's designer file and found this:
this.Board1 = new NC.Board();
I remove the namespace and it works fine. Every time I access the forms editor, it adds it again. I've never had any issue with this before. Is there some kind of setting or something I can change?