



Hi, I've been trying to use the cpw library for some graphics things. I got it set up, and I seem to be having a problem compiling. Namely, in a string header it provides support for unicode via

#if defined(UNICODE) | defined(_UNICODE)
#define altstrlen wstrlen
#define altstrlen strlen

Now, there's no such thing as wstrlen on Windows afaik, so I tried changing that to wcslen, but now it gives me and error because it tried to convert a char * to a wchar_t *. I'm kinda scared that if I just had it use strlen either way, something else would screw up.

What do you think stackoverflow?


If you're using Unicode on Windows, you need to change all of your character types to wchar_t. That means, instead of:

char *str = "Hello World";
int len = strlen(str);

You need:

wchar_t *str = L"Hello World";
int len = wcslen(str);

Notice that the character type has been changed to wchar_t and the string literal is prefixed with L.

Dean Harding
Thing is, this isn't my code, I'm using cpw window library for OpenGL. . I'm just wondering what I should do about it (ie go through the library and change all the char to wchar_t, use strlen and hope for the best, etc).
+1  A: 

Maybe you can define wcslen as wstrlen before including the lib header:

#define wstrlen wcslen
#include "cpw.h"

The error you are getting is likely to be due to you passing a char* that into something that ends up calling one of those functions.

Igor Zevaka
I checked over the library source, and it turns out they didn't follow their own format. Swapping their char * with wchar_t * when the macro was defined helped. Thanks

If your data is char* based to begin with, then there is no need to call a Unicode version of strlen(), just use the regular strlen() by itself, since it takes char* as input. Unless your char* data is actually UTF-8 encoded and you are trying to determine the unencoded Unicode length, in which case you need to decode the UTF-8 first before then calling wcslen().

Remy Lebeau - TeamB