Is there a efficient way to provide an Enumarable<SomeType>
or a collection that implements INotifyCollectionChanged but that can only be changed from the inside of the providing class.
The following example shows what I mean, but has the disadvantage that the caller can cast the IEnumerable<SomeType>
back and then manipulate my internal collection, what I really would dislike:
public class DemoClass{
ObservableCollection<SomeType> m_collection=
new ObservableCollection<SomeType>();
public IEnumerable<SomeType> SomeTypeInstances{
get{return m_collection;}
private void AMethod(){
// Here I can work with m_collection
Is there an easy way, perhaps with the ObservableCollection, or is it necessary to write a wrapper that implements IEnumerable<SomeType>
and INotifyCollectionChanged
and then forwarding collectionchanged-evnets to the destination?