I'd like to do an XSL transform on a DocBook document using lxml.etree.XSLT
Although the documentation mentions that etree.XSLT()
takes a first parameter of xslt_input
, I can't seem to find any docs on what this parameter is meant to be. Passing it a file that is open for reading seems to work; passing it a filename in a string does not.
edit After a sanity check, I realized that etree.XSLT
takes an parsed etree._ElementTree
. So . . . maybe there's a way to parse an element tree in a way that gives it a path to use for mapping relative paths? . . . investigating.
If the XML file that it is passed includes others, relative paths in those include statements are taken from the current working directory.
I'd like to use this class to transform a DocBook document, and would prefer to be able to access the DocBook XSL remotely. The Docbook XSL is pretty complex, and includes numerous other files. Is there a way that I can cause etree.XSLT
to pull these files from a remote location?