




Hi i have windows vista and Coldfusion9 when i try to access the I am getting the following error

Server Error in Application "Default Web Site"

HTTP Error 404.2 - Not Found

Description: The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the ISAPI and CGI Restriction list settings on the Web server.

Error Code: 0x800704ec

Notification: ExecuteRequestHandler

Module: IsapiModule

Requested URL: http://localhost:80/

Physical Path: C:\ColdFusion9\wwwroot

Logon User: Anonymous

Logon Method: Anonymous

Handler: AboMapperCustom-175270243

I restarted the CF Services/application server. No use. Then i checked in the IIS/Web sites/isapi and cgi restrictions which are empty. When i click on IIS/(Right hand side )mylapTopName/Application Pools and Web sites/Default Websites.

Should i link Default websites to "C:\ColdFusion9\wwwroot" ??

What should i do to correct it?

+1  A: 

Can you tell me whether you have configured ColdFusion installation with IIS. At the time of installation you can configure ColdFusion so that it uses IIS webroot ..\Inetpub\wwwroot.

Thanks, Sagar

Sagar H Ganatra
Yep, agreed. You need to run the wsconfig tool for Coldfusion, it should have run as part of the install. If not you can run it separately. You can find it in C:\ColdFusion9\runtime\bin\swconfig.exe.
Ciaran Archer

I would expect that the "home" directory for your local IIS server would actually be pointing to inetpub/wwwroot, so that would go straight there without needing to add /inetpub/wwwroot to the URL path.

Take a look here : http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/9.0/Admin/WSc3ff6d0ea77859461172e0811cbf364104-7ffd.html for information on web server management. You probably specifically need to have a look at this : http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/9.0/Admin/WSc3ff6d0ea77859461172e0811cbf363a5d-7ffc.html on using the web server configuration GUI.

Stephen Moretti