



Hello ALL,

i m using a select box of country, when user select a country then add branch link appears and user add branches under that country, but when user want to change country then all branches regarding that country should be destryoed. before changing a country a confirm box appears and show warning..everything is working fine but

if i click 'Cancel' on confirm box then branches remains there but select box value changed to new country (even i click on cancel)

i need that if user cancel to change country then select box value also would be previous country.

please tell how to do it with JQuery my code is given below

       <td >Select Country :</td>
       <td >
       <select name="country_id" id="country"  class="selectbox" title="Please select country" validate="required:true" onchange="javascript:showBranch();" >
         <option value="" >Select Country </option>
         <option value="00002" > Afghanistan</option>
         <option value="00054" > Croatia</option> 
         <option value="00060" > Dominica</option> 
         <option value="00062" > Ecuador</option> 
         <option value="00064" > El Salvador</option> 
         <option value="00067" > Estonia</option> 
         <option value="00099" > India</option> 
        <div id="branches">
        <!-- Raw Branch Details-->
             <div><span><a title="First Branch" href="">First</a></span></div>
             <div><span><a title="Second Branch" href="">Second</a></span></div>
             <div><span><a title="Third Branch" href="">Third</a></span></div>                  
        <div id="brancherror"></div>
    <td align="left">
        <span id="branchLink" style="display:none" >
        <a href="#" class="thickbox" id="branchhref">Add Branch(es)</a></span>

function showBranch()
        var countryid = jQuery('#country').val();
        if (jQuery("#branches>div").size())
            if (confirm('If country has been changed then data corresponding to present branches will lost.Do you want to continue?'))

            jQuery('#branchhref').attr({href: "index.php?option=com_advertise&view=createbranch&format=raw&country=" + countryid + "&KeepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=500&width=900",title: 'Add Branch'});

            jQuery('#branchhref').attr({href : "index.php?option=com_advertise&view=createbranch&format=raw&country=" + countryid + "&KeepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=500&width=900",title:'Add Branch'});
            return true;
+2  A: 

You can just store the previous value and set it back if needed, like this:

var countryVal;
$("#country").change(function() {
  var newVal = $(this).val();
  if (!confirm("Are you sure you wish to destroy these country branches?")) {
    $(this).val(countryVal); //set back
    return;                  //abort!
  //destroy branches
  countryVal = newVal;       //store new value for next time

Or use .data() as @Gaby suggests, like this:

$("#country").change(function() {
  var newVal = $(this).val();
  if (!confirm("Are you sure you wish to destroy these country branches?")) {
    $(this).val($.data(this, 'val')); //set back
    return;                           //abort!
  //destroy branches
  $.data(this, 'val', newVal);        //store new value for next time
Nick Craver
+1, was writing same stuff but using the `.data()` so that it could work for multiple select boxes..
@Gaby - If you're not writing that still I'll add it in as an option, if you are then I'll leave it alone :)
Nick Craver
@Gaby - I added it here for completeness sake, if you change your mind and add it, please comment, I'll remove it here and +1 yours.
Nick Craver
@NIck Thanks a lot
@Nick ` More logical syntax me sphinks!