



Hi Experts,

I very new to maven2. Till yesterday i was successful in building war from maven2. My next target is to build ear file for a war file including few of jar files as well.

Can you please help with that. I would be greatly thankful.

Regards Gnash-85

+1  A: 

The official documentation of the Maven EAR plugin and in particular the section about EAR Modules, the examples and the Usage page should be the reference. But you might find Because I always forget how to use maven-ear-plugin an easier starting point.

If you have a more specific problem, please make the question more specific.

Pascal Thivent
I have created ear build as follows.mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.adp.ihub -DartifactId=iHubEAR -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-j2ee-simple.After which Now i want to include a war file into it and 3 jar files. How to accomplish it.
@gnash-85: Did you read the link I suggested as starting point?
Pascal Thivent
Yes, Pascal i have read it. But could find the above clue
Can you please help me Pascal. I really confused.
@gnash-85: I'm sorry but I can't write the whole project for you (which is basically what you're asking) and I don't know what I can do for you beyond providing the resources I provided. The link I mentioned implements almost exactly what you're looking for.
Pascal Thivent