




Is it possible to register a COM interface independent of assembly version?

Right now I get a registry key like

MyIfaceName, Version=1.0.3259.17799, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1234567890abcdef

But since the assembly has auto-versioning (1.0.*.*), every day I do a new build the COM-iface needs to be re-registered.

How would I register without specifying a version? What are the consequences of this?


If you are using regasm.exe to generate the COM wrapper you can use the /codebase parameter which creates a Codebase entry in the registry.

The Codebase entry specifies the file path for an assembly that is not installed in the global assembly cache.

You can then easily update the assembly without the need of re-registering it if the interface hasn't changed of course.

Darin Dimitrov