Is SandCastle the best "free" code document producing tool? Or Is there a more recommended product, that works with .net?
It is my preferred documentation tool, regardless of price. Note that SandCastle, by itself, offers a nice set of features. However, you will gain much more value from it by using something like the Sandcastle Help File Builder project from Codeplex. I have been using the Alpha release for a couple of weeks now, and it is miles ahead of the version posted, too.
I also recommend GhostDoc for comment templating and inheritance.
2008-12-03 17:26:57
Joseph, can it output HTMl with a navigation frame?
Michael L
2008-12-03 18:30:30
Yes, it can. It can produce help web sites, and not just CHM files. We use both. We publish the site to a "help" server in-house, and distribute the CHMs, as needed.
2008-12-03 18:33:46
I have to tell you Joseph, the help builder plugin makes the project great, thanks again for the info!
Michael L
2008-12-05 16:20:10
Not a problem. Glad to help! I know that it has made my life a lot easier.
2008-12-07 01:13:46
I agree with Joseph.
I downloaded the SandCastle SDK and found it a pain to work with. Then, I downloaded the Help File Builder. It works just like NDOC, which is what I was looking for.
Jim Anderson
2008-12-03 18:18:36