





I ran into a strange problem last week. A call to new XMLSerializer(typeof(MyType)) crashed with an ExternalException, telling me that csc.exe could not be executed. After some investigation I found that this exception only occurs if the process environment size reaches a "critical" limit. I created a little sample application to verify that reason.

namespace EnvironmentTester
    public class Program
        private static void Main(string[] args)

        private static void SerializeDataObject()
            var dto = new DataObject {Name = "MyDto"};

                var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(dto.GetType()); // throws exception
                xmlSerializer.Serialize(TextWriter.Null, dto);

                Console.WriteLine("No exception occured.");
            catch(Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception occured : " + e.GetType());


        private static void FillProcessEnvironmentBlock(bool fillToMax)
            var currentEnvVarIndex = 0;
            var environmentSize = GetEnvironmentSize();

            int criticalEnvironmentSize = fillToMax ? 30692 : 30691;

            while (environmentSize < criticalEnvironmentSize)
                var envVarName = "Env" + currentEnvVarIndex;
                var envVarValueLength = (criticalEnvironmentSize - environmentSize - envVarName.Length - 2) % 32000;
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(envVarName, new string('a', envVarValueLength));
                environmentSize = GetEnvironmentSize();

        private static int GetEnvironmentSize()
            var envVars = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables();
            int environmentSize = 0;

            foreach (string envKey in envVars.Keys)
                environmentSize += envKey.Length;

            foreach (string envVar in envVars.Values)
                environmentSize += envVar.Length;

            environmentSize += 2*envVars.Keys.Count; // add the '=' and the '\0'

            return environmentSize;

        public class DataObject
            public string Name { get; set; }

If FillProcessEnvironmentBlock is called with parameter false, the critical size is not reached, if it's called with true, the ExternalException is thrown. I tested it on two different WindowsXP 32bit SP2 machines, with the same result.

I know that csc.exe is called to create a temporary assembly used to read/write the xml file. But I don't know why the call to csc.exe fails if the process environment is too large.

Does anyone know the reason for this exception? And how can I work around it (if I don't want to write my own xml serialization)? Are there any other known problems causeed by a process environment that's too large?

+1  A: 

You can precompile serializers using Sgen tool or MSBuild Sgen task

I don't know which classes might be stored in the xml, as this is a generic serialization of a type T that is provided by other assemblies.
Marco Spatz