I am trying to get the following setup up going.
Flatpages: Where all my static sites are (like: about, contact,..)
Dynamic Pages:
Here I am trying to link from one of the Flatpages to a start site:
the regex in the url conf of this startsite I tried was:
(r'^myapp/start/(\d+)/$', 'mysite.views.def_that_should_just_show_hello_world'),
In the views I had:
def def_that_should_just_show_hello_world(request):
return HttpResponse("Hello experiment world")
If I go to
/myapp/ I get 404: No FlatPage matches the given query. /myapp/start/ I get 404: No FlatPage matches the given query. /myapp/start/1 I get
Exception Type: TypeError def_that_should_just_show_hello_world takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
I thought with this setup I would get "Hello experiment world" on EVERY page.
Where did I go wrong? I dont understand the multiple sites approach in regexs. What would I have to do to print hello world on all these sites? And then, what would I have to do to display 1 image on all of these sites?
Thanks a lot for the help!