I wonder if anyone can help? I'm trying to use part of Google's Visualization API as shown here:
To get data from a MySQL database table. I have mapped the URL in the .html shown in this example to my application which calls a servlet provided by Google as follows:
public class SQLDataSource_Servlet extends DataSourceServlet {
* The SQL predefined capabilities set is a special custom set for SQL
* databases. This implements most of the data source capabilities more
* efficiently.
public Capabilities getCapabilities() {
return Capabilities.SQL;
public DataTable generateDataTable(Query query, HttpServletRequest request)
throws DataSourceException {
SqlDatabaseDescription dbDescription = new SqlDatabaseDescription(
"root", "password","table");
return SqlDataSourceHelper.executeQuery(query, dbDescription);
But I always end up with all columns of the table I want the data from rather than a subset of the columns.
Is anyone able to suggest why?
Mr Morgan