



Hi all,

In my current setup i have a zend lucene search index which stores the primary keys of my_table rows in the index, along with other unstored fields.

Upon a search the index is queried, the results of which then are looped through and inserted into a mysql temporary table, which is then joined via the primary key onto my_table.

This then allows me to perform advanced sql queries (eg. using the haversine formula, getting data from other joined tables, filtering by score then date and so on).

I just wanted to know whether this was a good implementation. It works, but i'm concerned about the number of inserts as this dataset is likely to be pretty big (few thousand records).

Thanks in advance


Is it necessary to actually insert them into the database? Why don't you just take the list and do something like ...WHERE id IN (id1, id2, id3, ...).

because i'd like to order them first by relevance, then by date