I support a .Net 2.0 Windows application that has a custom listview control to allow for greater flexibility. I am not allowed to bring this to a newer version of the gramework until next year. We are moving from XP to Windows 7, and we have identified an issue with how the column sort image (up/down arrow) is drawn to the listview. Currently in XP, the image is drawn to the right of the column's text. However, in Windows 7, I am getting Access Violation Exceptions. Now, I know that the error is with the improper handling of memory using the unmanaged code as shown below. I am looking for a method to mimic what we have below in a safe manner using managed code.
Public Shared Sub ColumnImageToRight(ByVal view As ListView, ByVal index As Integer)
Dim LVM_GETCOLUMNW As Integer = &H1000 + 95
Dim LVM_SETCOLUMNW As Integer = &H1000 + 96
If Not view.IsHandleCreated Then
Throw New InvalidOperationException("ListView not yet created, wait...")
End If
If index >= view.Columns.Count Then
Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Column index out of range")
End If
Dim buf As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(LVCOLUMN)))
Dim lvc As New LVCOLUMN()
lvc.mask = &HFFFF
Marshal.StructureToPtr(lvc, buf, False)
Dim retval As IntPtr = SendMessageW(view.Handle, LVM_GETCOLUMNW, CType(index, IntPtr), buf)
lvc = CType(Marshal.PtrToStructure(buf, GetType(LVCOLUMN)), LVCOLUMN)
lvc.fmt = lvc.fmt Or &H1000
Marshal.StructureToPtr(lvc, buf, False)
retval = SendMessageW(view.Handle, LVM_SETCOLUMNW, CType(index, IntPtr), buf)
End Sub