




I just got a strange problem. I am including some files from my index.php, and now I got this error:

 require(cfg/cfg.database.inc.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\...\index.php on line XX

Strange is that it worked just a minute ago. I double checked the spelling of that filename.

What I did: I am using Notepad++ and I saw my code like this:

require("cfg/cfg.database.inc.php" );

I wanted to remove the space between " and ), so i moved the cursor there and pushed Del, but it deleted the last p of .php.

I deleted the whole line and rewrote it, and now I get the error that the file cannot be found. I also renamed the file which is not working. All files in the subdir cfg get this error, but not those in other subdirs.

Anyone knows what I am doing wrong or what I can do to find the problem? Thanks.

/edit: My file structure


All includes in core work, none of those from cfg

+1  A: 

All files in the subdir cfg get this error, but not those in other subdirs.


Doesn't work, sorry. Can you explain why you think it should?
Because if you're already in cfg, then cfg/cfg.database.inc.php would be cfg/cfg/cfg.database.inc.phpCan you also try require("/cfg/cfg.database.inc.php"); ?
No I am in /, and none of your suggestions works. I think there is some invisible character or something stupid like that...
+1  A: 

There's usualy two reasons for this kind of behavior

  1. Your PHP file and/or your file name has a character that's rendering to the screen as a standard, ascii letter, but is in fact some other letter in another encoding

  2. You have multiple cfg folders, and PHP is looking in the wrong one.

Give this s try to see which cfg folder (relative to your running script) PHP sees, and what files it sees in there.

$my_cfg_files = glob('./*');

Next, try requiring files by iterating the loop

header('Content-Type: text/plain');
foreach($my_cfg_files as $file)
    echo 'trying ' . $file . "\n";
exit("\n Done \n");

Take a look at the list of files that it outputs. Copy what the scripts prints and include it in your require statement.

Alan Storm
Seems like it was number 2. I renamed my file names, but I didn't keep the ".php" this time, like Windows Explorer suggested. Seems like there was some invisible character in it...