



I want to do preliminary check if entered string looks like Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). I know what it consists of 17 letters and digits, but letters I, O and Q are not allowed inside VIN, so I use this regular expression:


Now if I check a string like 1G1FP22PXS2100001 with RegularExpressionValidator it fails, but CustomValidator with this OnServerValidate event handler

Regex r = new Regex("^[0-9A-Z-[IOQ]]{17}$");
args.IsValid = r.IsMatch(TextBox1.Text);

works well.

Experiments show what RegularExpressionValidator doesn't support Character Class Subtraction, but Regex class does.

Now I am interested why do these two .NET classes use different regex flavors? Is it documented somethere?

+3  A: 

Not a direct answer but just an obvious remark:

If for some reason Character class subtraction is not supported, you always can use as a workaround:


To document what I put in the comments of this question:

The article How to: Validate Against Patterns for ASP.NET Server Controls, does mention that the javascript client-side regex validator does not know "character class subtraction"

As mentionned in RegularExpressionValidator Class .Net documentation:

Both server-side and client-side validation are performed unless the browser does not support client-side validation or client-side validation is explicitly disabled (by setting the EnableClientScript property to false).

The regular-expression validation implementation is slightly different on the client than on the server. On the client, JScript regular-expression syntax is used.
On the server, System.Text.RegularExpressions..::.Regex syntax is used.
JScript regular expression syntax is a subset of System.Text.RegularExpressions..::.Regex syntax.
It is therefore recommended that JScript regular-expression syntax should be used in order to yield the same results on both the client and the server.

Another illustration of that side-effect (different regex flavors between server and client sides) is mentionned in RegularExpressionValidator woes blog entry.

IMHO, that's not the workaround, thats the only way to do it. I'm unaware that a thing like "character class subtraction" even exists. Or does it in some really weird regex flavor?
It does, since 2004, in .Net regex engine, but as pointed out by, the javascript client-side regex validator does not know "character class subtraction"...
As mentionned in, on the client, JScript regular-expression syntax is used. On the server, System.Text.RegularExpressions..::.Regex syntax is used. => JScript regular-expression syntax should be used.
Another illustration of that side-effect (different regex flavors between server and client sides) is mentionned in
VonC: So, this behaviour is documented. Thanks!
Alexander Prokofyev
+3  A: 

The RegularExpressionValidator also supports client-side validation using JavaScript, where the JavaScript Regex engine is used. The difference you see is the difference between the JavaScript and the .NET regex implementation. You can disable client-side validation and thus force the validator to use the .NET regex engine, at the price of the additional post-back.
