




I have an icon that I would like to be able to drop into text at arbitrary points and have it "flow" with the text.


An <img> tag works best for this. However, I don't want to have to specify the href everywhere. That will present problems in the future should the icon/location change. It also depends on me knowing the path to the image which I won't always know due to URL-rewrites and different mappings to the same page, etc. I would like to do something like <span class="icon"></span> and have my icon as the background-image. Of course, this doesn't work since you can't have width on an inline element. Having it as a block (ie. <div>) element doesn't work (for obvious reasons) and floating it doesn't work either. display: inline-block; works in some browsers but not all. Using padding: to pad-out the correct height and width gives mixed results in different browsers. Using an <img> tag with a transparent image for the href and a background-image works but seems hacky.

Any thoughts on what the best way to accomplish this would be?


You could make the <span class="icon"></span> absolutely positioned within your link like so:

<a href="">Some text <span class="icon"></span></a>

You can specify width/height on absolutely positioned elements, so the CSS would look something like this:

a {
    position: relative;
    padding-right: 30px; /* width of your icon, assuming you're placing to the right of the text */

a .icon {
    display: block; /* for good measure, but won't be required in all browsers */
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;

    width: 30px;
    height: 30px;

    background: url(your-icon.png) no-repeat 0 0;

By setting the <a>'s postion to relative, it makes it the coordinate system for the absolutely positioned <span class="icon">.

Using an Image Tag for the Icon

If you don't know where the icon will appear, you can use an <img> tag with a transparent .gif as its source.

<p>Lorem ipsum <img src="clear.gif" alt="icon" class="icon" /> dolar velarium</p>

Then set the real icon source using the CSS background property:

img.icon {
    height: 30px;
    width: 30px;
    background: url(true-icon-src.png) no-repeat 0 0;

    /* Use the following if you want to adjust the image's vertical position */
    position: relative;
    top: 5px;
Unfortunately this won't work for me as I never know where the icon could be. It could be at the end of a link or the middle of a paragraph etc etc)
Josh Johnson
In that case `<img>` tags for the icon are your best bet. They are the most consistently rendered inline-block element. As a hack, you could give the image a 1px transparent .gif `src` and then set the true icon image using CSS background-image. That way, you wouldn't have the hard coded src attributes in your markup that you were worried about.
Thanks again, Pat. I mentioned that in my original question and that has been the best solution so far. I was just hoping there was a simpler, cleaner, less-hacky-feeling way (read: not as much typing for each icon inserted because I'm lazy).
Josh Johnson
Ah, my mistake and yeah, it does have a hacky feel to it. This'll be so much easier when `display: inline-block` works in all the browsers.
Agreed. I lament ie every day.
Josh Johnson

This may seem a little hack-ish, but you could use background-image with font-size and pad your span with enough non-breaking spaces to show the image.

<span style="background-image:url('icon.gif'); width:200px; font-size: 36pt">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>

Granted it won't be the exact size you'll need, but with a little finessing, you could find a suitable result.

You're right. It is ugly :) I was hoping there was an elegant solution out there. But it looks like I may be choosing between this or the <img> trick.
Josh Johnson
Yeah. Actually, I upvoted Josh's answer with the `img` tag. That'll give you better control over the size of the icon.