



I'm writing a WebDav implementation. I have implemented both basic and digest authentication.

My problem is that Digest Authentication isn't implemented by all clients. (In particular Dreamweaver) While Windows Web Folders doesn't work when sent a basic http challenge.

Is it possible to do client/server negotiation (Http Negotiation/SPNEGO)? What would the headers look like?

+1  A: 

Microsoft Web Folders supports basic via HTTPS. To use basic via HTTP you have to set on a client machine: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters\BasicAuthLevel to 2.

Here is more info about this:

Still doesn't work, Windows Web Folders only supports Digest
Elijah Glover
As far as I remember you need to reboot the computer after the above registry changes.Please also make sure you truncate everything that goes before '\'. Vista and 7 may attach domain name to Authorization header.

The web folders dialogue is often broken on Windows (do not know by which update, but it affects certain WinXp constellations and both Vista and 7)

The net use * http://my-webdav-resource/ command line does mostly work in my experience, even when the wizard won't connect. But to use Basic-Auth on plain HTTP you will need to change the registry as described above for Vista/7.

Thomas Weber