




Coding in Visual Studio 2008 using Windows Audio Core APIs, I need access to devicetopology.h header file. After including it in my header file I have these errors:

Ошибка  8   error C2011: _DDPIXELFORMAT: переопределение типа "struct"  c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v6.0a\include\ddraw.h   703 Player
Ошибка  9   error C2079: "_DDSURFACEDESC::ddpfPixelFormat" использует неопределенный struct "_DDPIXELFORMAT"    c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v6.0a\include\ddraw.h   2249    Player
Ошибка  10  error C2079: "_DDSURFACEDESC2::ddpfPixelFormat" использует неопределенный struct "_DDPIXELFORMAT"   c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v6.0a\include\ddraw.h   2292    Player
Ошибка  11  error C2011: tagTIMECODE_SAMPLE: переопределение типа "struct"  c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v6.0a\include\strmif.h  12907   Player
Ошибка  13  error C2143: синтаксическая ошибка: отсутствие ";" перед "константа"    c:\develop\sdk\directx\9.0\samples\c++\directshow\baseclasses\reftime.h 40  Player
Ошибка  14  error C2059: синтаксическая ошибка: константа   c:\develop\sdk\directx\9.0\samples\c++\directshow\baseclasses\reftime.h 40  Player

What could be the problem?


You have duplicate definitions of some of the types in that header. Double-check that you aren't defining them yourself somewhere, that the name hasn't been accidentally used for something else, and that the header file is properly defended against multiple includes.

(It would also help if the compiler messages weren't in Russian.)


Error C2011 indicates a type redefinition.

This suggests that your #include orders are incorrect. Look here for a similar issue.
