



Whenever i talk of software architecture diagram, people would say that go for UML 2.0/2.2 etc. But, i want to make software architecture diagrams for the end user to understand the model or maybe beginners who want to get started. What would be some good examples of such diagrams and the software tools to design them?


Why not try Microsoft Visio? You can define you own stencils with shapes pertinent to your process/workflow.

Bharath K

I just started using Gliffy, primarily because of its Confluence integration.

Haven't done anything elaborate in it yet, but has been adequate for my needs so far. It has all the UML stuff in it as well as process flow and a few others. It's all web based (flash) which at first I found to be a pain (no right-click context menu), but it is kind of nice to not have to install anything OS-specific.

David Blevins

Why don't you try Creately. Runs in the browser and has very good UML diagram capability.

some examples here as well.
