



I've been on a crusade lately to eliminate warnings from our code and have become more familiar with GCC warning flags (such as -Wall, -Wno-<warning to disable>, -fdiagnostics-show-option, etc.). However I haven't been able to figure out how to disable (or even control) linker warnings. The most common linker warning that I was getting is of the following form:

ld: warning: <some simbol> has different visibility (default) in 
<path/to/library.a> and (hidden) in <path/to/my/class.o>

The reason I was getting this was because the library I was using was built using the default visibility while my application is built with hidden visibility. I've fixed this by rebuilding the library with hidden visibility.

My question though is how would I surpress that warning if I wanted to? It's not something that I need to do now that I've figured out how to fix it but I'm still curious as to how you'd suppress that particular warning - or any linker warnings in general?

Using the -fdiagnostics-show-option for any of the C/C++/linker flags doesn't say where that warning comes from like with other compiler warnings.


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