




I'm in the process of designing a WPF custom control, based on ItemsControl, which needs a Resizer/Splitter. This sounds pretty easy, I can just hook-up a few event handlers in my control and react to the dragging. But, I may also need to use this Resizer/Splitter in the content of the selected item. Ideally, the splitter would take in a drag increment value and warn me when it's reached. Therefore, it would make sense to be able to make this into a control and reuse it.

Here's the kicker. What is the best way to accomplish this goal in WPF? Inheritance or composition? I suppose a wrapper around Thumb would allow me to leave my XAML intact, and might make it easier for others to extend my control. I'm new to WPF and not quite sure how to tackle this.

Any suggestions and/or pros & cons of each approach?