




Hi, Iam looking for a weblink, where I can download perl packages/modules like expect.pm, Stty.pm for HP itanium machine as well as for AIX flavor unix machine. I tried to google alot, but in vain. Can somebody help me, pointing to the locations, so that i can download/install the same.

Thanks in advance, Roopesh Kumar M.

+4  A: 


Modules are distributed as platform non-specific source code.

Given a properly set up Perl environment, you should be able to type

cpan Module::Name

from the shell to install a given module (and its dependencies). Note that module names are case sensitive.

David Dorward
Will CPAN modules work across platforms ? iam looking one for HP Itanium. Just wanted to confirm.
Roopesh Majeti
I refer you back to line 2 of my answer.
David Dorward
Is you're HP Itanium equipped with gcc, g++, make ?
@hlynur, yes.. i have make in my hp itanium machine. But no gcc or g++ is present.
Roopesh Majeti

From #p5p:

[17:47] <daxim> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3414210   HP and AIX modules? Tux?
[17:52] <Tux> daxim: short answer
[17:52] <purl> short answer is "not very"
[17:53] <Tux> for HP-UX there is no provider that has `loose' modules available to add, like the most linux vendors do
[17:53] <daxim> so unless they install gcc, they're screwed wrt non-pure perl modules, right?
[17:53] <Tux> for AIX I know of about no other perl providers than IBM itself
[17:53] <Tux> and they ship archaic versions
[17:53] <Tux> daxim, correct
[17:54] <Tux> or, for HP-UX, install the most recent version of my or AS' perl and ask me or AS very friendly to make it avail;able
[17:54] <Tux> I'm not jumping with joy to do so BTW

Tux is http://search.cpan.org/~hmbrand, AS is http://activestate.com/activeperl.


I found one link regarding AIX Open Source Packages but i dont know how reliable it is.

As i am reading, i found Important Notes like:

  • These web pages are a private initiative of mine (Michael Perzl) and are in no way endorsed nor supported by IBM!

  • While the web pages are hosted here at perzl.org the actual downloads (binary and source RPMs) will take place from my other web site oss4aix.org due to space constraints of the web server.

I think the one who are working on AIX flavor can confirm it by using this link that whether it is reliable or not.

Regarding Active State(AS): AIX modules available Only in ActivePerl Business, Enterprise, and OEM Editions.

Nikhil Jain