Yesterday I finalised the code for detecting the audio energy of a track displayed over time, which I will eventually use as part of my audio thumbnailing project.
However I would also like a method that can detect the pitch of a track displayed over time, so I have 2 options from which to base my research upon.
[y, fs, nb] = wavread('Three.wav'); %# Load the signal into variable y
frameWidth = 441; %# 10 msec
numSamples = length(y); %# Number of samples in y
numFrames = floor(numSamples/frameWidth); %# Number of full frames in y
energy = zeros(1,numFrames); %# Initialize energy
for frame = 1:numFrames %# Loop over frames
startSample = (frame-1)*frameWidth+1; %# Starting index of frame
endSample = startSample+frameWidth-1; %# Ending index of frame
energy(frame) = sum(y(startSample:endSample).^2); %# Calculate frame energy
That is the correct code for the energy method, and after researching, I found that I would need to use a Discrete Time Fourier Transform to find the current pitch of each frame in the loop.
I thought that the process would be as easy as modifying the final lines of the code to include the "fft" MATLAB command for calculating Discrete Fourier Transforms but all I am getting back is errors about an unbalanced equation.
Help would be much appreciated, even if it's just a general pointer in the right direction. Thank you.