



I am specifically looking for book which discuss about large scale system design (like Oracle server, Web servers) with extensive use of design patterns and meta programming (templates) in C++.

thank you,

+1  A: 

I have another book that talks about some of the patterns the series I mention also talks about. I'm going to have to wait until I get there and I'll edit it into this answer. It has a number of large system design patterns like pipes, filters, and microkernel.

I checked at home, and the book I found is the one I was thinking of. This is a really excellent book about general patterns for the design of large systems like web servers and operating systems.

It doesn't talk much about template metaprogramming. In my opinion, the problema of large scale software architecture and template metaprogramming are only tangentially related anyway.

+4  A: 

Large-Scale C++ Software Design (Paperback) John Lakos (Author)

This book explains how to do Large scale C++. It is a little dated, but the matter has not changed. This is a must read.

Romain Hippeau
I agree. I wish I had remembered that one. It predates design patterns and discusses somewhat lower level issues than design patterns usually address, but it's a really excellent book.
Four pages on that brand new feature "namespaces". It's on my bookshelf, but I'm arguably even more old and more outdated than it is.
Read this before buying it.
@Neil Butterworth - I agree, it is (to some extent) out of date, and the most useful insights in it are about how to organize your code into files and libraries in order to minimize build times and make it easier to maintain.
+1  A: 

Since everyone is mentioning old but good books, here's another one:

Multi-paradigm design for C++ by Jim Coplien.

Very similar to the book is Coplien's thesis, which is available on-line for free.

Alexandros Gezerlis
thx for the link to the thesis
Stephane Rolland

I am specifically looking for book which discuss about large scale system design (like Oracle server, Web servers) with extensive use of design patterns and meta programming (templates) in C++.

Booch, 3rd edition.

If you will be able to read and understand all of it, then you are ready to work on such projects.

And the book will also tell you that to design large scale application, first of all, you would have to abstract from the implementation details like design patterns or templates.
